What Kind of Messages Can Get His Attention.

When we first date offline, the man who are interested in you will show his gentleman's side. For example, when you are eating, he will pull out the seat for you, pull the door for you when you enter the door, and even send you some small gifts to create surprises and so on. The next day he may send you a short message saying: I am very happy to have a good time with you. So how do you respond to the text messages he sent? You will think about what kind of text message can get his attention.

First, you can't reply to him too quickly, you can't let him think that you have been waiting for his messages. You should reply to him after three minutes. Remember that the first text message you replied to can't be too long, keep it short, and it's mainly used to remind him of your existence.

Second, don't take the initiative to ask him any questions and create an opportunity for him to ask you. The first person who can't help but asking questions is always in a passive position. Because it indicates that you really want to know what the other person thinks and want to know her every move. If her or his answer is not what you want, you will become anxious and you will care more and more about what he thinks of you. So never be the first person to ask questions in a cougar hook up dating relationship.

Third, give him a certain praise. For example: Thank you for paying for me yesterday, you are really generous. Or you can praise his appearance, for example: yesterday, the suit is really handsome on your body, the whole restaurant can not find someone more handsome than you. When he heard this, the first reaction was very happy. The second reaction was that you were very impressed with him. His self-confidence and courage will also be enhanced by your praise. And people will always remember the people who praised them.

Fourth, ask him why he likes you. This problem is a problem that many men will encounter in a cougar hook up dating relationship. And you have certainly heard many different answers. Men will think carefully and carefully when they encounter this problem, and you also want to know what kind of person you are in the man's heart and what attracts them. This is also a good way to understand yourself.

The above four points are things you should pay attention to when sending messages with young men in a mature dating relationship. These four points are mainly to teach you how to respond to their information to draw their attention. Those sugar momma who don't know how to reply to the messages sent by young men in a mature dating relationship can look at these four points in detail and then apply them according to your own situation.